About Us

How to make my internship perfect for my career ?

If you are searching for a internship which can provide you some technical challenging tasks / Projects , a profession trainings and expert guidance whenever required , a experience to work with industry and market ,develop your inner professional personality who will have enough confidence , experience and skills to grow a career in particular interested field.


    • Why an EP internship? 
    • Do you know your field of interest?
    • Have you marked a goal for your career?
    • Do you have any skill box?
    • Do you have any task/project experience?
    • Do you have any professional project experience?
    • Do you have any job experience?

    Make your Internship In 7 EP – Steps



    Make your Goal for Career


    Make your Skill Powerful and furnished.


    Make your Knowledge Challangeing to Market


    Opportunity to work with Us / Industry


    Your Mentoring will be our scope of work.


    Make your Practice till you perform to the best level


    Your Traning will be our scope of work

    Goal of Organization

    The internship programme is designed to bridge the gap between industry and academia. Seeing the scenario we would like to have students get the real-world practical experience so that they grow to their full potential.”

    Why make my Internship?

    Real World Experience

    Build your resume with quality work

    Furnish your Skills

    Mentoring from Industrial Experts

    Apply for Internship

    Benefit of Internship

    • Gain Value of Work Experience.
    • Network With Professional.
    • Give yourself Edge in the job Market.

    Email us your Resume on info@makemyep.com

